Thursday, 14 June 2012

Quiet Cora, is there such a thing?

Morning all my beautiful SWSYD ladies :)

I know i have been quiet lately and there is a reason for this. I feel like i should tell you all as i know i'm usually beaming with positive energy on our facebook page.
I have had alot of problems which started about a year ago. I started to get pins & needles all over my body, electric shocks, numbness in my face, hands & feet also i always feel like i have walked through a cob web constantly, this feeling never goes away, and sometimes i'm spotted swatting my face like a crazy woman!
So with this all in mind i went to see my doc, as you do when this kind of thing happeneds.

So i told the doc what was going on, got sent to get an MRI scan and off to see a neurologist. MRI of the spine came back clear, but what was causing all these weird symptoms? Psychosomatic the neuro tells me?

What does that mean i asked? basically all in my head he says...... i was shocked to say the least. I walked out of his room balling my eyes out and never spoke again of my symptoms until now.

Things have been getting worse over the year, one example, was driving down Raby road, when i went to put my foot on the break and i couldn't move my foot to do it! no feeling in my right foot at all and i nearly went up the ass of a driver :S yep! all in my head.

fast foward to the last 2 months things have been getting worse and worse, i now have muscle spasms all over my face that won't go away, so as i'm talking to someone it feels like my whole face is twitching and i can't have a real convo as i think they can see it :(

I went to my new wonderful doc 2 months back and told her about some of my symptoms and she said if it's not better in 2 months come back and see me Cora.

Well yesterday was 2 months on and i'm not really getting any better so i wrote down my list of symptoms and off i went to the doc's a bundle of nerves.

Here is my list that i have been keeping with me for the past year, nobody new about this not even Daniel, i'm a VERY good actor at keeping people thinking i'm on top of the world when really, i'm crumbing inside.

- Right foot going numb while driving couldn't feel the peddle.
- Sometimes while walking legs would give out under me with me falling to the ground.
-tingling/numbness/electric shocks/ pins and needled all throughout my body.
- weak at limbs
-slurred speech ( work pulled me up on this the other day)
- bladder problems going more than 30 times a day says it all remember i work in a call centre i'm on the phones all day, try explaining that to your boss.
- Fatigue, even after 9 hours sleep i feel like i haven't slept a wink.
- memory loss, now this i have had for a very long time and have never ever told anyone about this till yesterday. I forget if i have taken a tablet, i have to write everything down or i won't remember.
- muscle spasms in my face
- spider web feeling constantly in my face
- Urinary retention. and frequency
- walking into walls.

So, i showed the doc this, and she said, Cora there is much more going on than what the last doctors wanted to believe and we need to get to the bottom of this. I just started to cry, thanking her for believing me!!! i told her what the other doc said and she just laughed and said he just didn't want to deal with this.

So i'm having a bunch of tests done, getting a new neuro and going from here. so ladies i'm still here just quiet as i have alot going on atm and just don't feel like chatting much. I will support you all as much as i can, doing the 12wbt is helping me through this as i have something else to keep me busy :)

So ladies, keep up the fitness, i will be smashing it out with Danielle at Aquafit if you all want to join us, i know this isn't 12wbt post but thought i had to let you all know. Keep strong xxxxxx

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